

1月31日 -下个夏季学期(5月)



  1. 提交一个 全球网络赌博平台申请.
  2. 提交一份完整的 DMS咨询情况说明书.
  3. 提交一份完整的 一般超声检查申请表格. This application along with the application fee must be submitted to your Student Success Navigator.
  4. 高中毕业或成功完成G.E.D. 测试.
  5. Forward to the 杰克逊的大学 招生 Office ALL transcripts from colleges previously attended. 只接受官方成绩单. 你有责任确认你的成绩单是否存档.
  6. Meet 入学技术标准 of the Allied Health Department and Technical Standards and Functions required for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography 全球网络赌博平台.

完整的申请程序和详细资料可在 申请表格.

由于国家授权互惠协议(SARA), 目前,我们不能提供在线课程和/或临床实习 加州.  If you can only attend a clinical externship (a requirement of all DMS programs) in the states listed above, 并且你无法搬迁到参与SARA的州, 你将无法完成我们DMS课程提供的任何学位. 如果你愿意搬迁到SARA成员国, 请拨打517与联合健康办公室联系.768.7007.

Clinical opportunities are limited to the United States and we cannot serve international clinical placements at this time.


The Allied Health Department faculty has specified the following non-academic criteria which applicants generally are expected to meet in order to participate in the Department of Allied Health Sciences programs and professional practice. These technical standards are necessary and essential and have been developed to provide for the health and safety of the patients receiving care from the Allied Health Department program students.


申请人必须能够参加所有的演示, laboratory exercises and clinical practicum in the clinical component and to assess and comprehend the condition of all patients assigned for examination, 诊断与治疗.


The applicant must be able to communicate with patients to effectively elicit patient compliance, understand and assess non-verbal communications; and be able to effectively transmit information to patients, 医生, 非专业人员, 教师和工作人员及时.


The applicant must have motor functions sufficient to elicit information from patients by appropriate diagnostic or therapeutic maneuvers; be able to perform basic tasks; possess all necessary skills to carry out diagnostic or therapeutic procedures; be able to interpret movements 原因ably required to provide general care and emergent treatment/actions as necessary for patient safety and comfort.


申请人必须能够测量, 计算, 原因, 分析, 评估, 综合信息和观察. 解决问题, 联合医疗从业人员所要求的关键技能, 需要所有这些认知能力. 除了, the applicant must be able to comprehend three-dimensional structures and understand the spatial relationships of these structures.


The applicant must possess the emotional health required for full utilization of intellectual abilities; execute appropriate medical judgment; the prompt completion of assigned or non-assigned responsibilities for care of and service to the patient; and the development of supportive and effective relationships with patients. 申请人必须能够承受身体和精神上的工作负荷, 在压力下有效工作, 适应不断变化的环境和条件, display flexibility and function in the face of uncertainties inherent in the clinical setting and with patients. 同情, 完整性, 关心他人, interest and motivation are personal qualities with each applicant should possess.


成功完成所需的技术标准和功能 医学超声诊断学位/证书课程.


Vision sufficient to differentiate shades of gray and color and to observe diagnostic real-time images. 视觉:足以描绘不明确结构的视觉, 边界, 三维投影中的解剖结构和病理实体. Scanning with real-time sonography system for the purpose of delineating normal anatomical structures from abnormal pathological entities.
有足够的视野,能够阅读并准确完成报告和图表. 阅读和完成图表,报告和解释申请单.
Speech sufficient to be understood by others; ability to understand the communication of others. 与病人和其他卫生保健专业人员沟通.
听力足以区分多普勒信号. Conduct Doppler studies of anatomical arterial and venous structures for the purpose of diagnosing abnormal blood flows and pathological states.
Vision and physical coordination sufficient to perform scanning tasks accurately, 高效、安全. Manipulating of transducer while observing real-time image and conducting diagnostic study.
Sufficient fine motor functions and coordination to perform tasks involving manipulation of scan probes, 仪器面板, 患者体位和安全. 获取诊断实时图像用于诊断解释.
Sufficient muscle strength, lower back and knee stability to handle patients in a safe manner. 搬运和转移病人, 身体上帮助病人, 超声系统的移动和操作.
Sufficient psychological stability and knowledge of techniques/resources to be able to respond appropriately and efficiently in emergent situations in order to minimize dangerous consequences either patient related or environment related. 认识到紧急情况并作出适当反应.
能够长时间坐着或站着,每天最多7-8小时. 扫描需要长时间坐着或站着.
能够学习技术、医学和病理生理信息. Completion of clinical and didactic components of program requires ability to learn.